Reinette Sompt

The Practiced Practitioner

Of a quick mind and ill temperment, Reinette is a Duskwight who is impossible to please and yet compelling to be around. Eerie, mysterious, and unearthly, she apologizes for nothing that her imperious personality presents. She may be recognized as a thaumaturge of the Ossuary.


Originally born to a hidden Gelmorran clan, Reinette was a sickly youth often clinging to fevers and the barest scraps of consciousness. Through her early years, she remained in the subterranean ruins of the Duskwight homeland, only resurfacing later to be taken by a foster family. The Sompts, a large family of the Redbellies, took her in despite her chronic illness and raised the young Reinette as one of their own. Primarily, she stayed to the caves and camps in the South Shroud, sheltered from most brigand activities. With age came strength, the fevers reduced in frequency enough to finally give her agency of her own.

By means of rebellion against the Sompts, she took away in search of a more pious and industrious life. Seeking to give back to civil society, Reinette stayed in Gridania but briefly before journeying to Ul’dah. The Arrzaneth Ossuary became a natural refuge for a young woman with budding aether and the pursuit of knowledge. Accepted as an apprentice, a priest of Nald’thal taught her to read and write, and groomed her as an official scribe of the temple and guild. With the Ossuary Reinette has remained, growing in both skill and rank alike. Nowadays, she resides as a senior thaumaturge, performing the rituals typical of her station while still care-taking the vast collection of tomes.

In her personal time, this sixty-something year old thaumaturge works for the Siren’s Bounty under a similar office. Her scribework helps to restore and aid in the collection of texts that lurk in their halls, an enjoyable and peaceful hobby. Through all this, the continual desire for knowledge has carried Reinette through many years. From a young Twelves-fearing girl, she has grown into a woman of callous and cold bearings. Ill conditioning forged her into a being of keen criticism and harsh humor. Regardless of this, the wonder of magick has yet to leave her. Even with a maimed hand and lame legs, her sensitive heart still persists under hidden conditions.

from Hero Named Nerd


Curly, dark hairLight yet vivid blue eyesTattoos that run from her neck down the rest of her bodyBurn-scarred right hand, scarred legsWalks with a faint limpUnwavering resting bitch faceUnwavering resting bitch attitudeThaumaturge of the Arrzaneth OssuaryGelmorran DuskwightAn excessively large aether pool

from Hero Named Nerd

RP Hooks

Arrzaneth Ossuary
Having belonged for nearly four decades, she has become a senior thaumaturge who has assisted many others in the background of their pursuits. From having merely glimpsed her amongst the stacks to seeking her from advice, the Ossuary is a fair way to know Reinette.

Siren's Bounty
A fairly recent recruit to the bounty hunter's Free Company, she still avoids front action jobs by tending to their inventory of documentation and tomes. Her wife, however, is of far more active pursuits with the bounties, and so Reinette still knows a great deal of its goings-on.

No one lives steeped in so much magick without learning a thing or two on the matter. Particularly not Reinette, who throws herself obsessively into studies and scholarly pursuits. Looking for someone knowledgeable on aether and its pecularities? She may be able to help.

Ul'dah Resident
Having lived in Ul'dah or adjacent to its streets for so long, it wouldn't be difficult to have seen Reinette around once or twice. Having grown from an urchin to someone far more comfortable, hers is a rare story. Currently, she lingers around the vicinity of the two Ossuaries, or other temples to Nald'thal.

Raised a Redbelly
To those who dwelt in the South Shroud or among Redbelly camps some forty-cycles past, they may have known or heard of the young adopted Sompt girl. Her sickly constitution kept her from any great acts or deeds, but her sheltered lifestyle was rather singular within a bandit haven.

Dravanian Explorer
After the end of the Dragonsong War, a great expanse of Eorzea became open to adventurers and explorers. With the lands of the Sharlayan colony open, Reinette spent a fair amount of time in Idyllshire and in the surrounding Dravanian mountains. She was primarily enthusiastic about entry to the Great Gubal Library.

Crescent Eminence
But did the hound bark, my ser?

by shahabalizadeh


Hey, what's up? I'm Adrian, they/them nonbinary player on the Mateus server of FFXIV. I operate on EST time and do freelance art. Reinette is my RP alt, so if you want to find me in-game I am more commonly on my PvE main, Corlia Thorndance. And if you're interested in RPing with me, here's some things you ought to know:
I separate IC and OOC quite strictly. My thoughts and ideas are very separate from that of my character's. I will give other players the courtesy of believing that, and expect the same in return.That said, communication is necessary for seamless RP. /tells are encouraged if there is confusion, or to set anything up in a scene. If there's a need to open discussion, I am happy to do so.I don't accept harm done to my characters without prior permission. If you wish to attack, I must consent. I can and will ignore any godmodding or unconfirmed harrassment.Both light and dark themes are accepted, but I am rather busy IRL and will only accept heavy plotlines on a rare basis. If you want Reinette to help move your character's story in some way, I'll do my best to accommodate with my sparse schedule.I am LGBT+ friendly, and so are all the characters I play. It's just a fact of being around me.Finally, I have every right to say 'no'. Griefers will be blocked.